Our Services

Permanent Placement (Contingency)

We specialize in finding top talent for permanent positions across various tech domains. Our contingency-based approach ensures that you only pay for successful placements, minimizing risk and maximizing value.

Job Search Assistance:

We work closely with job seekers to identify their strengths and career aspirations, connecting them with the most suitable opportunities in tech. Our personalized support includes resume reviews, interview coaching, and ongoing guidance throughout the job search process.

Retained Search:

For highly specialized or senior-level positions, our retained search service offers a dedicated and exclusive partnership. We work closely with you to understand your unique requirements, conduct thorough research, and engage in a rigorous search process to identify and attract the most qualified candidates. With a retained search, you can trust that our team is fully committed to finding the perfect match for your organization.

Talent Advisory Services:

Beyond recruiting, we offer consulting services to help you develop and optimize your talent acquisition strategies. This includes creating best practices, implementing applicant tracking systems (ATS), developing scorecards, and more.